Galilei George Washington

Loge Nr. 810a

WhatsApp Community

We are now using the new WhatsApp Community feature.
This will allow us to structure our Communication via WhatsApp more effectively and will allow you to request access to different sub-groups yourself.

  1. What is the WhatsApp Community Feature?
    • The Community feature allows Group admins to bundle different groups and creates an Announcement Channel where all members of all sub-groups are automatically assigned to.
    • Only Community-Admins can post in this Announcement Channel, we will use this to send information to all brethren and visitors, like upcoming events and other lodge business.
  2. What are Sub-Groups?
    • Sub-groups can be linked to a community, they will still show up in your regular chats tab in WhatsApp, but you can also find them under the new Community Tab
    • Under the Community Tab you will also see other groups belonging to GGW 810a (eg. the degree specific groups, a Visitiors Group or Committees).

  3. How can I Join a Sub-Group?
    • The current groups (EA, FC, MM, …) will be added to the new community so there is no need for you to join a new group.
    • If you do want to join a group, go to the community tab, here you see all groups where you already are a member of. If you scroll down, you will find the other groups. Tap on it to see the group admins, there is also a “Request to Join” button. If you click on it you can select an Admin of that group by tapping on the name. This will create a new private message which you just need to send. If the Admin approves your request you will be added to that group automatically.

  4. Who can see my information?
    • As in the past your information (Displayname and Phonenumber) is only visible to People who belong to the same SubGroup.
    • The same information will be visibility to the Community Admins
    • You will not be able to see the members of the announcement channel, therefore other members (who do not share a SubGroup with you) will not see your name or phone number.

If you have further questions contact Brother Secretary or Brother Jonas